Friday, May 8, 2020

Free Teleseminar to Help You Dive Into Your Job Hunt -

Free Teleseminar to Help You Dive Into Your Job Hunt - Are you ready to dive into your job search head first? You are really resolving to make a career change this year, but youre still not sure where to start or how to make heads or tails of all the things you need to do? Help is on the way! I am excited to announce that Im collaborating with certified coach Carolann Jacobs, whose business is Vivid Epiphany, for an 8-week FREE teleseminar: Land Your Dream Job: 8 Strategies For Outrageous Success in 2009. Well be talking about how to set yourself up to win and describing a series of steps to help get your job hunt off to a good start! We will cover the following topics (each seminar begins at 6:30 p.m. Eastern time): Create a Winning Mindset January 8th Craft a Magnetic Marketing Portfolio January 15th Design a Strategy, Devise a Plan and Take Focused Action for Results January 22nd Change Who You Are to What You Do February 5th Become a Sought After Expert Using Social Media February 12th Interview to Triumph -  February 19th Remaining seminars: Secrets to Getting in the Door -  Ã‚  February 26th We welcome special guest, Stephanie Lloyd, a recruiter with 15 years of experience, to give you the inside scoop from her side of the desk!! Command What Youre Worth March 5th Participants will have an opportunity to ask questions during each session. We are thrilled to report that two of our participants have already landed jobs since joining our calls! One participant who landed her dream job notes that the calls helped her become more confident in interviews and focused on jobs that matched [her] skill set. Register HERE. Keppie Careers is here to help you get your job hunt going. Need a resume? Mock interview? Contact me! photo by JennyP

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